Monday, August 13, 2012

Bra And Panties

Cameron looked down at her distended belly and pondered how did she get herself like this. A day ago she was just an average sixteen boy with no intentions of being a girl. Cameron, on his way home, ran into a big black garbage bag. It was strange seeing a bag in the middle of the road. He went up closer to investigate and as he opened the bag he saw a frilly pink bra and panties to match. The moment his hands touched them they jumped at him sticking themselves to him. His clothes disappeared and he was wearing the bra and panties. His face became more feminine as his hair turned blonde and grew longer. He grew a small ample chest. His body became more slender and petite. Finally as his back arched his belly surged forward with Baby. With that done he passed out. As he woke up he found himself in a blank white house. All he, now she can remember is the name Cameron.

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